So far, so good! We're having quite a variety of students and I'm happy to see new ones still joining. And surprising to me, we're still getting beginner tasks being done, which keep us busy.
New this round were some tutorials written by Pranam Lashkari. I hope we can expand on this next year, because I think a lot of students who are willing to do these tutorials one by one are learning a lot. His thought is that they can be added to our documentation after the contest is over. I think we can re-use some stuff that we've already written, for next year. What do you think?
In addition, I'm seeing loads of work -- yes, small jobs, but keep in mind these kids are 13 to 18 years old* - for the teams who were willing to write up tasks and tutor. It is a lot of work so I really appreciate all those mentors who have stepped forward.
I'm very glad we are participating this year. It isn't as wild and crazy as it was in the beginning, because there are now lots more orgs involved, so the kids have lots of options. Happy that the kids we have are choosing us!
* Rules state: "13 to 17 years old and enrolled in a pre-university educational program" before enrolling.