Monday, September 20, 2010

Amarok New stuff - 2.3.2 Release, Insider 15

Like this beautiful image,


Amarok 2.3.2, code name Moonshine, illuminates your music today. Check out the release notes here:

New: as of Thursday, our crack team of translators have already got the release notes translated to French, German and Spanish! Spread the news!

While you are downloading and installing, check out the new Amarok Insider: Some of the subjects covered: What's New in Amarok, Interview with a Developer: Leo Franchi, Podcasts on your Mobile Device, Automated Playlist Generator, Weekly Windows Build Now Available, and Organizing a Music Collection.

* Now available in German, too! Thanks, Xenios!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Thing today: build a tarball

I'm no longer running Amarok from GIT! Today was tagging for 2.3.2 (yay!), and Nightrose needed tarball testers. A tarball is "A package of files gathered together using the tar utility." ( To clarify, once the developers agree that Amarok is ready to release, it is tagged, and compressed for testing, then available to the distribution packagers.

I've never participated in the tarball testing, because I didn't know how, and didn't like the idea of ditching my git version. However, in the last six months, building from git has become almost second nature. Leo Franchi (lfranchi) helpfully explained how to build from a tarball, in three easy steps. Step one, download. If you have never used wget, it is worthwhile learning, because it is super EASY and FAST. In this case, the command was
cd ~/kde/src/
~/kde/src$ wget
Once it downloaded, oh so quickly, it was time to untar the file, thus:
~/kde/src$ tar xf amarok-2.3.2.tar.bz2
And then build as usual:
cd $HOME/kde/build/amarok
~/kde/build/amarok$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull $HOME/kde/src/amarok
(I did cmake in case it was needed, perhaps it isn't)
~/kde/build/amarok$ make -j3 && make install
In a very few minutes, it was built and running successfully!

Thanks to all the Amarok developers who have helped me learn how to help out this year.

Note: because I was already running Amarok built from git, all the directories were set up, and dependencies installed. If you are building an app from a tarball for the first time, it will be a bit more complicated, as you must set up your directories and install any dependencies too. There is usually a README file (text file) which you can open and use as your guide to installation.